Thursday, 1 November 2012

Task 2d- Inquiry

What in your daily practice gets you really enthusiastic to find out more about? Who do you admire who also works with what makes you enthusiastic?

I love music. I love the buzz you get out of it. I love the different styles. I love the emotions you can feel when dancing or singing to music. It is simply genius how music can make you feel. On a daily basis I listen to music and prance around. I suppose this makes me enthusiastic. It makes you want to do better and want to achieve goals. When watching music on television, I aspire to be like the dancers or the artist and I find myself imitating them. Similarly when I am in a job and I get taught a dance, I really admire the choreographers passion and drive. This inspires me and pushes me beyond my limits.

What gets you angry or makes you sad? Who do you admire who shares your feelings or has found away to work around the sadness or anger?

It takes a lot to get me angry, as this is not really my personality. However, it does upset me when I see people give up on their goals and ambitions. Negativity really gets me down. I am like a sponge, I soak up other peoples moods easily. If someone is down about something I find my day becomes grey. In the performing industry, it is easy to become negative and down. Rejection is a massive thing to deal with and hard to get used to. I feel it is important to think of the positives. Try not to get down about silly things, there are far more important issues happening in the world and just because you didn’t get through the first round of ‘Mamma Mia’ say, it really isn’t the end of the world. I admire people similar to me and people who can pick the positives out of a negative situation. For example even if you don’t get past the first round of ‘Mamma Mia’, at least you had the chance to audition for it. Pick up on the faults you did and think positively to get them right for next time.

What do you love about what you do? Who do you admire who also seems to love this or is an example of what you love?

Like I said in one of my previous blogs, I love the variety. Variety is said to be ‘the spice of life.’ I don’t have a 9am- 5pm job which I hate. My life can change from day to day, meeting different people everyday. This is so exciting and keeps me alive! My friends in London all have that same passion and drive and they love the variety too. Without this I feel the industry would be a lot more boring and predictable.

What do you feel you don’t understand? Who do you admire who seems to understand it or who has found a way of making not understanding it interesting or beautiful, or has asked the same questions as you?

Currently I am waiting to go on a dancing contract. Now I feel like this cannot be my future career. It is not stable enough. There will be a time where I will not be able to dance the way I dance now and there will be a time where I will not be in great shape like I am now. I love teaching drama, dance and singing to children so maybe I will use this as my future career. Who knows what the furure will hold.

I have my parents to thank for my exciting life. I thoroughly admire my parents. They have always allowed me to follow my dreams. They have always taught me that no decision is for life and in a couple of years time, maybe I will want to change my career path. They completely support me and without my parents behind me I would not be the person I am today. If I ever have a question or worry, my parents will always be there 100%. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the lines of inquiry you have followed, As performers continually 'dusting ourselves off' after auditions can be the hardest part of our job. I am glad that being a dancer gives me lots of variety in my life, i would be so bored doing the same thing every day.
