Tuesday, 24 November 2015

6C... Another aspect

I have been fascinated by how quickly a little girl from Romania has settled into the Nursery Class where I was previously working before Pantomime began. With no English she thoroughly enjoyed playing in the role play area and often gestured for me to join in with her. As a Drama student I then pick up from her non- verbal cues and participate in a story of Cinderella or sweeping the house. As I acted alongside her I was aware that I verbalise our story and she was quickly picking up the language alongside the actions. I loved it! Last week, before I moved away she said, ‘Miss Thorpe, come. Eat’ and she ordered me to eat the pretend food she had made. I then said, ‘Yum, delicious.’ She then repeated this and replied,’ you like?’ Amazing!!! 

That time of the year again... Oh no it's not!!

So... I have been very busy moving and settling in as it is Pantomime time again! I have relocated to Glasgow and will be performing in the production of, "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs" over Christmas.

So far it is great fun. But, now I have got my bearings I can concentrate on getting some work done :)

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

SIG group on Facebook

I have created a SIG group on facebook for Module 2 BAPP students to join. It would be great to hear how you are all getting on with everything! Please send a request :)

Feel free to add me on Facebook too... Katy Thorpe

Facebook SIG Link

Carol Dweck, "Developing a Growth Mindset"

Carol Dweck's research makes brilliant reading/ watching and has certainly had an impact on the staff at the school I am working at. The way the adults praise the children is always about their effort and continuing progress.

In my own experience when I was at Laine Theatre Arts college, there was one girl in particular that was not necessarily the best dancer when she first attended. However, she was always in ealry mornings and staying late to work on her technique. She was continually praised and rewarded for her efforts and because of this ended up with one of the main parts in our final production after three years. With the right mindset you will achieve.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015


After reading the Reader 5 I realize that I will need permission to go ahead with this research project from the parents of the children in these groups and from the Class Teacher.

I am not going to cause any harm as both groups will have the same learning objectives but will be taught in different ways.

The data and information that I collect will be protected but reported honestly.

After further discussions with my Class Teacher, she thought it would be very interesting to see the impact of music/ dance on other areas of learning. We are going to begin to introduce numbers to the Nursery children after half term and I suggested a trial group.I have been making covert observations of the Nursery children with the guidance of the class teacher. We have then been using these to assess their stage of development and what they need to learn next.

Initially I wrote them with bias and my own perspective on the child. However, my colleagues have shown that observations must be completely unbiased and objective. I am going to an after school training session to improve on this in two weeks time. This will help me assess where the children are developing and then I choose two groups of children to assess; one a focus group and the other a control group. They will start at the same stage and will have no advantages.

Back to 4c!!!

As I work my way through this module I am in regular discussions with my employer and colleagues.

They can see that I am enthusiastic and passionate about Performing Arts. They often ask me to lead singing and music lessons in the Nursery Class.

I have now discussed my research ideas with them and they have suggested I look at the following publications;

  • Sticky Kids
  • Dough Gym ( Dough Disco Link )
  • Funky fingers 
  • Jabadaco
  • Write Dance

All of these are built on children learning different knowledge and skills through music and movement.

However, is there a difference between the children being taught traditionally using visual and auditory methods whilst sitting still and listening and being taught in an active kinesthetic way?

I am excited to find out!!!

Monday, 26 October 2015

Task 5B...

Ethical Framework at School

I have spoken to the class Teacher and Head Teacher about my research and they have directed me to all the following documents that I must adhere to:

  1. Staff Code of Conduct
  2. Use of photos
  3. Data Protection
  4. Keeping Children safe in Education
  5. Early Years Curriculum
  6. Whistle Blowing Policy
  7. Equal Opportunities
  8. Health and Safety Policy
  9. Child Protection and Safeguarding 
  10. Confidentiality Policy
The list seems to be endless, but as the Class Teacher , Michelle pointed out, it is for the child's well being and safety as well as my own.

As a part-time Dance Teacher the CDET ( website link ) and RAD website have been extremely useful in pointing out the Codes of Conduct in this profession. The Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers on the CDET website is similar to the teaching standards on the DFE.

After reading through these sites and discussions with the class teacher there are a lot more issues than I had previously considered on 5a. These are;
  •  Equal Opportunities - I actually believe  that I do treat everyone with equal respect regardless of gender, race, faith, age, disability. However it also means that I have to make provision for the children so that they can always have access to the whole curriculum. e.g. signing and gesticulating with children who have a hearing impairment, having writing and artefacts displayed from other cultures and in other languages to represent the children in the class e.g.Polish signs, Polish dancing.
  • Observing professional boundaries both inside and outside of work. Many of the parents of the Nursery children are my age and I want them to see me act professionally when I am out of work as well as at work.
  • How rigorous, complex and vast Safeguarding and Child Protection is in schools. I have had to attend a 3 hour training session in Keeping Children Safe in Education. I was very naive before this!
  • The importance of Health and Safety in the workplace. Again in this day and age this is huge so we have to make sure that the work place is a safe yet stimulating environment for young children to learn in an active and enjoyable way.
...and I didn't even know what a Whistle Blowing Policy was until I read it!!

Task 5a

As I am currently working in the Nursery class of a school I have already had to have a DBS clearance to ensure that I am a safe person to work with children. As soon as I started at the school I had to have Safeguarding Training, Health and Safety and read the Staff Code of Conduct. I also had to sign a Confidentiality Agreement. Obviously I think that the ethics, Codes of Practise and regulations have to be very strict to protect these very young and vulnerable children. The Codes of Conduct are there to protect both myself, the children and my collegues. My behaviour must be exemplary with both the children and parents. I also must respect my colleagues and ensure I follow the policies and procedures as agreed by my head teacher and class teacher.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Fun activity...

After chatting to colleagues and a teacher friend on facebook about my interests in the impact of performing arts and children’s intelligences they suggested I look at a youtube video of Shonette Bason.

This looks like a really fun activity for the Nursery children I am currently working with. It will be interesting to see the impact on their listening skills and fine motor skills. 

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Task 4B- Special Interest Group

‘How much impact on a child's memory does music and dance have.’ Also, ‘Is there a correlation between a child who accesses music and movement regularly and the progress in their learning across other subjects?’

After much discussion with colleagues and my employer, I have decided to focus on my future career in teaching. This leads me onto my professional line of inquiry about the relationship between music and dance and other areas of child development.

After looking at other student’s blogs I can see that there is a strong SIG developing around this professional inquiry. I am currently working with young 3 year olds and I am loving their enthusiasm for dance.

I look forward to communicating with other people who are currently in a similar position to myself.  

Reflection on Task 4a

After talking to friends and colleagues at the dance school and infant/ nursery school I am currently working at about my lines of enquiry, it has created further questions such as;

-       Does the introduction of dance, music and movement at a young age develop self- confidence?
-       Does it support them with their social skills?
-       Can it help in raising achievement in other subjects such as Literacy and Numeracy?
-       Does it help with behaviour?
-       Is this a way of really engaging children in active learning?
-       Does it develop their listening skills?

I have also come to realize that giving feedback to professionals about their individual performance in the performing world is similar to working with young children in that everyone enjoys being praised and positive feedback. However to progress or improve on the performance I still have further questions;

-       Is it better to coach whilst sharing a video of their performance?
-       Is it more effective to have peer to peer reviews of each other?
-       Would performers rather get critical feedback with ways forward?

I look forward to other peoples comments who have similar interests.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Task 4a

Hi everyone! After an incredible few years of dancing around the world I am finally back to studying BA Hons Professional Practice in Arts. Consequently my blogging skills have become a little rusty!

As I read through Reader 4 and the Handbook, two questions immediately sprung to mind. They are as follows:

  1. As a Company Manager and Dance Captain, one of my many roles was to improve the scores on the shows and to give feedback to my fellow professional peers. Obviously all my dancers and singers were highly skilled and trained so this was often a challenging task; especially as I performed and lived with them on the cruise ship. My question is; ‘What type of feedback has the most positive feedback and impact on individuals and overall show?'
  2. At the moment I am currently working in a Nursery and Infant school. I am often asked to teach dance, singing and drama to these very young children. My second line of enquiry leads on from this. ‘How much impact on a child's memory does music and dance have.’ Also, ‘Is there a correlation between a child who accesses music and movement regularly and the progress in their learning across other subjects?’

I would love feedback from fellow bloggers who are in a similar situation to myself or have pondered on similar lines of enquiry.