Tuesday, 27 October 2015


After reading the Reader 5 I realize that I will need permission to go ahead with this research project from the parents of the children in these groups and from the Class Teacher.

I am not going to cause any harm as both groups will have the same learning objectives but will be taught in different ways.

The data and information that I collect will be protected but reported honestly.

After further discussions with my Class Teacher, she thought it would be very interesting to see the impact of music/ dance on other areas of learning. We are going to begin to introduce numbers to the Nursery children after half term and I suggested a trial group.I have been making covert observations of the Nursery children with the guidance of the class teacher. We have then been using these to assess their stage of development and what they need to learn next.

Initially I wrote them with bias and my own perspective on the child. However, my colleagues have shown that observations must be completely unbiased and objective. I am going to an after school training session to improve on this in two weeks time. This will help me assess where the children are developing and then I choose two groups of children to assess; one a focus group and the other a control group. They will start at the same stage and will have no advantages.


  1. Hi Katy,

    I found Bell (2010) and Oliver (2010) really useful for planning the ethical considerations of an inquiry that is taking place within an educational setting involving children.

    Will you need parental permission to observe the children in your place of work and teach them different things? It may be that someone in your place of work will be able to inform you about this. I think it's is good that you have really clear ideas about what you would like to do in your inquiry.

    I hope this is helpful,


  2. Hi Jessica

    Thank you for that useful reference.

    I have spoken to the Class Teacher and luckily the children already have permission slips for observations.

    How is your line of inquiry going?

