Friday, 19 October 2012

Dear Diary...Task 2a

I loved writing a diary when I was younger so I started by searching for my purple, fluffy, lockable diary, still intact with its very own secret key! In fact id quite like to buy myself one now, but not sure it is suitable for a University degree course! My purple diary was epic! I had a daily list of the boys I liked, the boys my friends liked and simply matched them together (a bit like the TV programme ‘Take me out’). Therefore I could not wait to start this task. I feel it will really help me reflect on my learning experiences rather than my future career as a matchmaker!

However, obviously my diary when I was younger was completely different to what I have to write about now and the style certainly needs to improve.

When I read this task I was initially excited, but when actually coming to do it the main question that I asked myself was what style of writing should I use? I am very good at babbling on to my friends and family about how I feel and what I did at the weekend etc but was this good enough? And how does this translate to a written account for a University degree? So at this point I referred back to the handbook for reference. I like the idea that it is a private space for my writing; no one is going to mark this or judge me. However, I will have to use my journal as a resource later on. Therefore initially it is important not to worry too much about style but more about content and learning experiences. As I go along I feel my writing style will evolve and I will eventually find what suits me best.

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