Sunday, 21 October 2012

Layers between what I like and why

In reader 2 it asks me to think of an idea I like and why. Now when I first read this I found it very difficult to narrow this title down. There are so many things I like in my life and so many ideas/ dreams I would love to pursue. So… where to start. At this point I had to rush to a dance class with friends and then meet with a new promotional agency about future jobs. Whilst on the train on my way home I felt happy, elated and energized. I had time to reflect on why I felt like this and at this point I decided to narrow this feeling down to one idea……

…….VARIETY! As they say “Variety is the spice of life”. This is so true of the dance industry. You never know what you will be doing from one year/ month/day to the next and that is what I love.

My job encompasses all the things I love about life; entertaining people, fitness, socializing, networking, performing , travelling but underpinning all of this is Variety. Life is never dull or boring!

If I were to peel the layers deeper I could look at the above in greater detail. Fitness and keeping healthy for example are an essential part of my job. As a performer I am constantly being judged on what I look like. When I am in a dancing contract I keep fit constantly anyway. But whist in between contracts I obviously have to keep fit in other ways. I love to go to the gym, swim and take class. To feel your best at auditions you have to be at peak fitness. Another layer to add to fitness is eating healthily. Many dancers unfortunately fall into bad eating habits, which will make you weak and lifeless. I personally enjoy a healthy lifestyle. It makes me feel great about myself and totally energized. It allows you to stay positive and ready for whatever comes your way. It is important to have a balance and be able to switch off from this so of course I love to sit and watch television and eat chocolate, but not all the time!

The socializing element of my job means I am constantly meeting new people, which is also an exciting factor of my work. I am a very sociable person and love to talk ( some may say a little too much!) The vast majority of workers look forward to the weekend where they can go out with friends and socialize whereas I do this on a daily basis. I like to find out about other people and their lifestyles. Some people may call this nosy… I think it’s interesting! Another layer is the fact that it allows you to network. Networking is a vital part of my industry. It allows you to make new contacts and also find out about different jobs that you wouldn’t have auditioned for. Recently I was approached to do a Bollywood film (through my friend). I have never done this before, but got the job and thoroughly enjoyed myself. By achieving this it gave me so much positivity and confidence, which hopefully will lead to other things!

Performing is the top layer; the ultimate experience when I come to life. As a young girl I was apparently very shy and withdrawn ( some may find this hard to believe!). My parents thought dancing might “bring me out of my shell” and they were astonished when I asked to do a solo at the age of 6. When my mother asked me if I would be OK performing on my own on a large stage infront of many people, my response was that “I love it as I am a different person on the stage. I am a dancer.”

To summarise although the dream of being a dancer is much tougher than I envisaged at the age of 6 the Variety keeps me on my toes!

1 comment:

  1. I like the analogy of the layers in divining deeper self awareness and knowledge
