Hello, my name is Katy Thorpe.Performing is a passion of mine.I studied at Laine Theatre Arts for 3 years to become professional.I graduated with a National Diploma in Musical Theatre and a National Diploma in Speech and Drama.After travelling around the world on cruise ships doing what I love,dancing and singing,I am now looking forward to a new passion of mine,Primary School teaching.I am currently on my final module of BAPP in Performing Arts which is going to allow me to further my career.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Can I be your friend?
Watch this video clip... it made me laugh but also made me think!
Would you actually do what you do online in real life? How safe is the internet?
Monday, 19 November 2012
Task 3C- My 5 Main Sources of Networking.
After researching and considering all the
theories about professional networking, I have thought carefully about the 5
main sources of networking in my own professional practice and the impact they have
had on my career to date.
1. Friendships with a common work interest
My absolute favourite source of networking is through my friends and contacts
I have made throughout my performing career. From many of my blogs you should know by now I love my social life. I
work best surrounded by people. I hate
being alone and isolated. I need to share my thoughts/ ideas/ exploits/
activities with others and expect them to do the same with me. I need this
co-operative network structure and enjoy the benefits from these affiliations.
I always find out about upcoming auditions and
great classes to attend. Not only this but you
keep up- to- date with the ever changing job scene of the Performing Art
Getting to develop further contacts on jobs is also vital; this way your networking facility widens and grows. More opportunities arise. That is why it is so important never to burn bridges in this industry. Recently I was told of an audition for a Bollywood Movie that wanted brunettes for their Dance Scene. A girl from last years pantomime performance emailed me and her agent with my details. I had an amazing time and then met more dancers. One suggested I audition for a teaching agency that employs performers in the Surrey area. Again I was successful and am due to work with them after pantomime. This is a good example of how building up good co-operative networks is vital and can lead to a long successful career.
Getting to develop further contacts on jobs is also vital; this way your networking facility widens and grows. More opportunities arise. That is why it is so important never to burn bridges in this industry. Recently I was told of an audition for a Bollywood Movie that wanted brunettes for their Dance Scene. A girl from last years pantomime performance emailed me and her agent with my details. I had an amazing time and then met more dancers. One suggested I audition for a teaching agency that employs performers in the Surrey area. Again I was successful and am due to work with them after pantomime. This is a good example of how building up good co-operative networks is vital and can lead to a long successful career.
2. Internet (Web 2.0)
The Internet has opened many doors for new information. Websites such as; The Stage online, Dance Cast etc all promote new jobs to audition for. Websites such as Spotlight promote you and your CV and portfolio pictures, which is a fantastic way for agents or casting directors to see you. Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter have also become an incredible way to find out about auditions and different agencies to join. They are also a fantastic way to keep up to date with friend’s lives and ask about how they got their jobs etc. you will never come across a brain as big as Web 2.0! It’s powers are endless. I recently had a successful Skype Interview which I had got through applying to a job advertised on Facebook!
3. Auditions
I have always found auditions to be a fantastic way of networking. It is a huge ‘Community of Practice’; getting together with a shared purpose of wanting that job! Again this is an invaluable experience. Talking to the other people in the audition is a great way of networking. It is also a great way of making new friendships. You also get to know the panel of judges and what they like. This may lead to future jobs. Learning and gaining new information will help you to become successful.
4. Class
Class is always fun and challenging to attend. But what you get out of it in terms of networking is incredible. There is always something going on and always something you don’t know about. Generally the teachers are fairly up to date with future opportunities and tell you about them. There is information displayed on the boards about the most recent auditions and future classes. Again, the people attending the class may know something you don’t, which is also a great source of information.
5. Agencies
It is so important to have a good relationship with your agents. They know important casting directors and can get you those precious closed auditions which you cannot necessarily access yourself. With agents I feel it is important to keep your options open and go to as many as they recommend. There might be someone there who could recommend you to one of their colleagues from their professional network that will lead to future success.
These are 5 sources of information I find most invaluable. I made a spider diagram (task 3A) and could not believe how many networking facilities I use. The Performing Arts Industry is like no other. There are very few ‘jobs for life’ in this industry. Contracts are extremely short and highly competitive. Without a strong Professional Network, promotion and development within this industry would be very hard to achieve and success virtually impossible.
The Internet has opened many doors for new information. Websites such as; The Stage online, Dance Cast etc all promote new jobs to audition for. Websites such as Spotlight promote you and your CV and portfolio pictures, which is a fantastic way for agents or casting directors to see you. Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter have also become an incredible way to find out about auditions and different agencies to join. They are also a fantastic way to keep up to date with friend’s lives and ask about how they got their jobs etc. you will never come across a brain as big as Web 2.0! It’s powers are endless. I recently had a successful Skype Interview which I had got through applying to a job advertised on Facebook!
3. Auditions
I have always found auditions to be a fantastic way of networking. It is a huge ‘Community of Practice’; getting together with a shared purpose of wanting that job! Again this is an invaluable experience. Talking to the other people in the audition is a great way of networking. It is also a great way of making new friendships. You also get to know the panel of judges and what they like. This may lead to future jobs. Learning and gaining new information will help you to become successful.
4. Class
Class is always fun and challenging to attend. But what you get out of it in terms of networking is incredible. There is always something going on and always something you don’t know about. Generally the teachers are fairly up to date with future opportunities and tell you about them. There is information displayed on the boards about the most recent auditions and future classes. Again, the people attending the class may know something you don’t, which is also a great source of information.
5. Agencies
It is so important to have a good relationship with your agents. They know important casting directors and can get you those precious closed auditions which you cannot necessarily access yourself. With agents I feel it is important to keep your options open and go to as many as they recommend. There might be someone there who could recommend you to one of their colleagues from their professional network that will lead to future success.
These are 5 sources of information I find most invaluable. I made a spider diagram (task 3A) and could not believe how many networking facilities I use. The Performing Arts Industry is like no other. There are very few ‘jobs for life’ in this industry. Contracts are extremely short and highly competitive. Without a strong Professional Network, promotion and development within this industry would be very hard to achieve and success virtually impossible.
Task 3B- A Critical Reflection on “The Networked Professional"
What is meant by a “Professional Network”? A Professional Network is a ‘work related community held together by either close working affiliation or more distant but common work interests or needs.’ In layman’s terms this is a conglomeration of people that are brought together with similar interests or hobbies.
When reflecting on how I personally benefit from different forms of networking in task 3A, I realised the impact this has had on my own professional career to date; on my successes, my career path to date and ultimately on my self-esteem.
After further research about the concepts of Professional Networking I discovered that Cooperation can play a vital part in your career. However this is dependent on how much the individuals choose to invest in this .The ‘Game Theory’ goes some way in explaining how co-operation can be mutually beneficial to the individuals/ teams or may result in one ‘player’ succeeding at another ‘players ‘expense. Co-operation is reliant on both people feeling that they are benefitting from this relationship. Robert Axelrod (1984) recognized the value of cooperation and working with others to achieve maximum advantage, and then to ‘defect’. ‘The Prisoners Dilemma’ is a good example of the Game Theory. Axelrod explored different ways in which people decided to co-operate or not. It investigated players getting mutual gains from cooperation, or one person manipulating the other and also the option that neither players would cooperate. ‘Tit for Tat’ seemed to appear every time. Axelrod (1984) described tit for tat as ‘The strategy of starting with cooperation, and thereafter doing what the other player did on the previous move.’ I have certainly been aware of this occurring in my own experiences. As part of the Musical Theatre performing world I believe I have a strong network of contacts. However there is a certain individual from College that I have supported in the past; either through informing them about auditions or agents and then found that they have not reciprocated. Eventually that relationship is broken as the individual is no longer a useful contact! It very much feels that in this particular instance it is “all take and no give”. Co-operation has to be mutually beneficial in order for it to continue and thrive.
Affiliation is the relationship between you and others. Crisp and Turner (2007) stated; ‘Affiliation is a social process that provides us with a network of support that will help us when we are in need.’ As I am a very sociable and outgoing character who wears her heart on her sleeve, I fully embrace this statement. It is so hard to be in the performing arts industry and do it alone. Contracts are short and extremely difficult to find and then get. It can be a very isolated career if mutually benefitting relationships aren’t formed and affiliations not made. In fact I would find it virtually impossible! You need that network of support around you. You need that agent who gets you the one- off closed auditions with less competition.
You need your friendships and contacts from different walks of life, to guide you to different auditions and castings. You even need friendships outside of Musical theatre to boost your self esteem and put things into perspective. These are just a few examples of affiliation within my own personal life. It is proven that we as humans enjoy affiliation with others. It is social and helps us form close relationships (Crisp and Turner, 2007 pp226). Homeostasis suggests there are preferred levels of affiliation (O’Connor and Rosenblood 1996) and they link it to whether you are an introvert or an extrovert. As an extrovert these close affiliations enable me to persevere in this challenging industry.
I was not aware of Social Constructionism before looking at reader 3. I came across the statement ‘Accepting the world we experience, prior to our experience of it, without meaning does not come easy.’ Social Constructionism is about how meanings and explanations are created from the world. From interaction and affiliation we can make meanings that can add to our professional practice and network. Crotty, M. (2005) ‘What, then, is constructionism? It is the view that all knowledge, and therefore all meaningful reality as such, is contingent upon human practices, being constructed in and out of interaction between human beings and their world, and developed and transmitted within an essentially social context.’ In other words theory is constructed and people have to connect with objects in the world to get meaning out of them. This refers back to task 2, where reflection was studied. It is saying that you have to observe and reflect to learn and understand and create a meaning out of it. Humans construct meanings of the world from their experiences. We essentially create future networks and it is important that we commit to them.
Connectivism – How you connect and learn. Connectivism is all about how we collate and sort through information and extract the important information needed . The ‘Network Theory’ tells us how nodes in a network interact. Connectivists suggest that traditional ideas of teaching, i.e teacher to student’ need to be adjusted or discarded. This all links back to task 1 and web 2.0. Technology is growing exponentially and growth has led it to new types of learning. The information we can find on the Internet is beyond what a human brain knows. Therefore I feel it would not be wise to not use web 2.0. However look at the students who are kinesthetic learners (task 2c) the students who like doing. They are not going to learn just off the Internet. I feel it is important to get the balance right. Yes we do have to be extremely computer illiterate these days but it is also to be taught my someone and actually do the experiments yourself with a teacher at hand. We advance from our experiences and learn a lot from them so why take this away? In terms of networking connectivism is fantastic. It allows you to make contacts you wouldn’t usually be able to do without web 2.0. It is even allowing me to do a university course via blogging. Without it we would be lost but it is imperative to get the balance right.
On many occasions I have got together with a group of dancers after an audition and discussed our experiences together. We will all have a different perspective of the same experience. This is also known as a ‘Community of practice.’ People with similar interests come together and learn from each other’s experiences. I do this almost every week without realising it! Learning happens socially in this instance (which is what I do best!) Lave and Wenger (1991) ‘The social structure of this practice, its power relations, and its conditions for legitimacy define possibilities for learning.’ This statement suggests that this way of networking is extremely powerful and results in learning. This Degree course has enabled me to develop a new network of friends; we are all studying together and often meet up to discuss our new knowledge; this can be termed as ‘situated learning’. We are all connected in our new endeavor and shared vision to succeed. We are beginning to use shared specialist vocabulary and knowledge .Our meetings result in new learning being developed and all of us are benefitting from this ‘Community of Practice’. Being part of a ‘Community of Practice’ is helping to shape our professional future and may well impact on our success.
This task has made me realise how valuable social skills are and how valuable professional networking is. If indeed you believe in evolution and survival of the fittest, surely it is the most talented, the most resilient, the most positive and ultimately the person with the most successful and productive professional networking infrastructure and therefore the most opportunities, who will succeed. So perhaps I will alter my concluding statement from task 3A to ... It is what you know, who you know and how you co-operate with them that will ensure success in this challenging industry.
Axelrod, R. (1984) The evolution of cooperation. London
BAPP Arts Reader 3- The Networked Professional 2012-13
Penguin Crisp, J & Turner, R. (2007) Essential social psychology. London
Sage Crotty. M. (2005) The foundations of social research: meaning and
perspectives in the research process. London
Sage Lave, J. & Wenger, E. (1991) Situated learning. Legitimate
peripheral participation. Cambridge
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Task 3B
Below is a link to my Critical Reflection. As always feel free to comment.
Critical Reflection on "The Networked Professional"
Critical Reflection on "The Networked Professional"
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Task 3A
Hannah Stewart and I got together to discuss how we use
networking in our industry. Below is a spider diagram, which I put together to
demonstrate this.
In the dancing world, sometimes the well known statement; “It
is not what you know, it is who you know” holds very true, which is why it is extremely
important to be constantly networking to open up as many opportunities as
possible for future employment within the industry.
My personal favourite is networking through my friends. This
may be because I am a sociable and outgoing character. But I also feel, friends
in the same industry with the same interests love to talk about it. Through
word of mouth and general chit chat you can find out upcoming auditions and
great classes to attend. I have also found out about many promotional agencies
to apply for and recently applied for a dance teaching job which has proved
very successful! In some instances my friends have called me on the same day as
the audition and encouraged me to come along. It is like a social grapevine!
At College, there was a great emphasis on cooperating and
collaborating with each other. A lot of portfolio songs were shared and
routines re-used if somebody was struggling or needed support. I still have a
very close network of friends from Dance College and we all support each other.
When you are on a job and working professionally, it is
extremely important to build good working relationships with directors and
choreographers, as they will remember your hard work and dedication and
possibly recommend you for future work. It is also vital that you get along
with the cast and develop friendships. This can not only boost your social life
but also create a good source of contacts to open new doors.
Even auditions can be a fantastic way to network. Everybody shares the same career
ambitions. With the ‘auditionees’, there is generally a lot of waiting around
which allows you to get to know people and ask questions. This generates more
knowledge regarding the industry and creates a better understanding of it.
Another great aspect of auditioning is the panel may recognise you, they may
see your ambition and drive and this can lead to new opportunities.
Having an agent obviously increases your contacts and
networking reach. They are generally very well established and know what they
are talking about and have good contacts themselves. They point you in the
direction of great casting directors and give you opportunities with many
closed auditions you wouldn’t get yourself. It is clear that you have to find the
right agent for you and have a fantastic working relationship with them.
Social Networking sites are growing exponentially. Sites such
as Facebook and Twitter are gradually becoming a great way for Networking, especially with promotional work. I have recently had a Skype Interview for promotion work,
which actually worked well as the interviewer could assess my confidence, and
gauge my personality from this rather than a written application. Also social networking sites are a brilliant way of keeping
up to date with your friend’s lives. This may bring opportunities if you ask
them questions etc. Websites are growing increasingly. I remember the days when
I had a subscription for ‘The Stage’ newspaper. Now, I just get it online. Websites
such as ‘Cast Web’ and ‘Spotlight’ promote you to other clients, casting
directors and agents. This is a modern way of keeping up to date with the
growing world we live in.
As I don’t attend college anymore, I obviously have to keep
myself fit and flexible. I have found class is another area for networking. The
teachers have inside information on latest auditions. This helps you to keep
well informed about new ventures.
In my experience, socialising with friends and building
relationships with people in the same job seem to be the most effective way of
networking. Social media sites seem to take over, but this will never help you
make an impact on somebody and they won’t specifically remember you if you just communicate via facebook or email. However if you meet in person regularly and
develop a relationship, whether it be working or friendly it will allow them to
keep you in mind. I sometimes find it more awkward over email to network as you
may come across as though you are just emailing them for a job. You learn from
your own experiences what works best for you. When I first graduated from Laine
Theatre Arts 2 years ago, I had no idea what worked or indeed how tough the
industry was, but after 2 years and many experiences I now know I work best by
getting to know people within the industry, developing relationships with them
and showing them how dedicated and committed I am.
Like I said at the
beginning; in this industry, sometimes it’s not what you know, it’s who you
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Task 2C
After many hours of trying to figure out how to create a 'Wiki' fingers crossed this works! I would love to know everyones views and opinions :) Thanks!
Critical Reflection
Critical Reflection
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Task 2d- Inquiry
What in your daily
practice gets you really enthusiastic to find out more about? Who do you admire
who also works with what makes you enthusiastic?
I love music. I love
the buzz you get out of it. I love the different styles. I love the emotions
you can feel when dancing or singing to music. It is simply genius how music
can make you feel. On a daily basis I listen to music and prance around. I
suppose this makes me enthusiastic. It makes you want to do better and want to
achieve goals. When watching music on television, I aspire to be like the
dancers or the artist and I find myself imitating them. Similarly when I am in
a job and I get taught a dance, I really admire the choreographers passion and
drive. This inspires me and pushes me beyond my limits.
What gets you angry
or makes you sad? Who do you admire who shares your feelings or has found away
to work around the sadness or anger?
It takes a lot to get
me angry, as this is not really my personality. However, it does upset me when
I see people give up on their goals and ambitions. Negativity really gets me
down. I am like a sponge, I soak up other peoples moods easily. If someone is
down about something I find my day becomes grey. In the performing industry, it
is easy to become negative and down. Rejection is a massive thing to deal with
and hard to get used to. I feel it is important to think of the positives. Try
not to get down about silly things, there are far more important issues
happening in the world and just because you didn’t get through the first round
of ‘Mamma Mia’ say, it really isn’t the end of the world. I admire people
similar to me and people who can pick the positives out of a negative
situation. For example even if you don’t get past the first round of ‘Mamma
Mia’, at least you had the chance to audition for it. Pick up on the faults you
did and think positively to get them right for next time.
What do you love
about what you do? Who do you admire who also seems to love this or is an
example of what you love?
Like I said in one of
my previous blogs, I love the variety. Variety is said to be ‘the spice of
life.’ I don’t have a 9am- 5pm job which I hate. My life can change from day to
day, meeting different people everyday. This is so exciting and keeps me alive!
My friends in London all have that same passion and drive and they love the
variety too. Without this I feel the industry would be a lot more boring and
What do you feel
you don’t understand? Who do you admire who seems to understand it or who has
found a way of making not understanding it interesting or beautiful, or has
asked the same questions as you?
Currently I am waiting
to go on a dancing contract. Now I feel like this cannot be my future career.
It is not stable enough. There will be a time where I will not be able to dance
the way I dance now and there will be a time where I will not be in great shape
like I am now. I love teaching drama, dance and singing to children so maybe I
will use this as my future career. Who knows what the furure will hold.
I have my parents to
thank for my exciting life. I thoroughly admire my parents. They have always
allowed me to follow my dreams. They have always taught me that no decision is
for life and in a couple of years time, maybe I will want to change my career
path. They completely support me and without my parents behind me I would not
be the person I am today. If I ever have a question or worry, my parents will
always be there 100%.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Task 2b- Journal Writing Experience
My Journal. What to write and how to write
it. Well I can find plenty to write about; I can talk for England. But how to
write it? That is the question. So I decided to explore all the suggested
writing styles.
I do love lists! I have lists for
everything. In fact I have even been known to make lists of my lists!! So I
have found the best thing for me is to write a list of events throughout the
day. This helps me to remember what I did as I have realised my memory is not
very good! After this I inserted a spider diagram, which helped me to elaborate
on my feelings and emotions. I particularly like this idea as it allows me to
write key thoughts down and it develops into a larger diagram. I am a very
visual and kinesthetic learner (and always loved art!)
I initially started my journal by
describing what I had done throughout the day. This was fine apart from the fact that I
couldn’t really add my thoughts and emotions as I went through. It also wasn’t
ideal for me as I had to wait until the end of the day to do this, and with my
memory I occasionally missed things out.
So the next day I tried the ‘Initial
Reflection’ method and the following day by doing the ‘Evaluation’ technique.
Both of these approaches were great.
My ‘Initial Reaction’ journal explored what
I did as well as my thoughts and different moods. My ‘Evaluation’ journal
allowed me to expand on my daily events and evaluate what went well and what
went wrong. The thing that I didn’t like about this is the fact that late at
night I had to start writing and reflecting. I work much better in the morning
and like to relax at night. This is why lists and diagrams throughout the day
are best for me.
The question “What if?” was a very
interesting method. It sent my imagination wild! I do feel I could incorporate
this into my lists and diagrams and therefore this is a way I can delve deeper
into my emotions.
I really didn’t like writing my journal in ‘Another view’ style. I found it strange and awkward writing about my day through another person’s eyes. This definitely is not the way for me to write my journal. I didn’t enjoy it, found it hard work and therefore it didn’t flow naturally. I gained nothing from it.
A few people have blogged about writing a poem. My attempt at this was hilarious. I definitely know poetry isn’t my forte! My poem ended up not making sense and certainly didn’t reflect my day; as I was more worried about it rhyming than being meaningful. I read it out to my boyfriend and my mum and they simply laughed. Although it was amusing writing it, I did not get anything out of it at all.
To conclude, this whole journal experience has really opened my mind and has introduced me to different writing styles. It has really made me appreciate how many emotions I go through on a daily basis. By writing a list throughout the day and intensifying it by drawing a spider diagram at night, it allows me to remember everything I did and go through my feelings, thoughts, emotions and possibilities. This is definitely the best format for me. If I ever have extra time at night I will develop this by doing either a brief essay in the ‘Initial reflection’ style or ‘Evaluation’ approach. But my life is generally very busy and as a result of this, lists and diagrams suit me best.
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Boud’s Theories and how it Influences my Professional Practise
Initially, when I looked at Boud’s article I felt very daunted. However I read
it about three times and made several notes.
A journal is about capturing an experience, recording and remembering it, exploring your feelings and emotions and making sense of what we have learnt. There are so many different styles of journals and there is no right or wrong way of writing one. After starting my journal I felt like it should be a record of everything that I do. It should also allow me to explore my emotions and be totally honest. It should also be a reflection on my life and I should therefore learn much more about myself.
A journal is about capturing an experience, recording and remembering it, exploring your feelings and emotions and making sense of what we have learnt. There are so many different styles of journals and there is no right or wrong way of writing one. After starting my journal I felt like it should be a record of everything that I do. It should also allow me to explore my emotions and be totally honest. It should also be a reflection on my life and I should therefore learn much more about myself.
Boud focuses on 3 ‘Occasions of Reflection’. I am going to expand on this with my own experiences below:
Reflection In Adaption of Events (Before)
I love to plan. I love to know what lies ahead of me. With auditions it is impossible to know exactly what will happen. However, to keep my mind at ease, I plan my outfit the night before, I pack my bag the night before and I go through in my head many questions and possibilities. What if I fall over? What if I can’t do the routine? What would I do if I don’t have the right tools for my audition? And I simply make myself exhausted and nervous. Why? I don’t know!
Reflection in the Midst of Action (During)
In an audition you may make a mistake during the dance round. You simply act straight away to cover this up. Similarly, whilst on stage in a performance if something goes wrong, you adapt straight away so that the audience does not see. For example when I was dancing on a cruise ship there was one evening where the ship was particularly rocking from side to side. My friend had bad travel sickness and all the cast knew of this. In the middle of a dance I saw out of the corner of my eye that she ran off stage, as she felt so ill. Straight away I moved over to cover the space. This may seem like common sense but whilst in mid- routine, you have to think fast and always be aware of who is around you. This is reflection in action (online). Boud said that this is very difficult to achieve but has the greatest benefits.
Reflection After Events (After)
After an audition I immediately ask myself questions. If I have been unsuccessful; what can I do to improve? What can I change for next time? My hair? My outfit? How can I prepare better? However if I am successful I ask myself the following questions; what went particularly well? What do I need to take from this audition to others? Etc. This helps me to move on and reflect. If you had a bad show, you usually get notes off the dance captain. This is reflection on action (offline). You can take the notes away and consider how you will improve for next time. Boud explains that reflection after the event is divided into 3 sections: 1- Returning to the experience, 2- Attending to feelings, and 3- Re- evaluating the experience. This is totally true. I always look at what went wrong, whether it be a dodgy pirouette or a lack of dynamic energy. I then doubt myself and obviously get down about what happened and then I look back and think how I can improve etc and look at what I could have improved. Reflecting on this helps me with future auditions and shows.
It is important in our private journals that we really explore everything and don’t hold back. I feel this will be easy for me, as I know it’s “for my eyes only” and nobody else can look at it and judge me. Boud’s article has really helped me reflect on my own thought processes and I will incorporate this into my journal. I feel much more enthusiastic and relaxed about writing a journal now and know I can fully express my own feelings without holding back.
Ed Sheeran is a musical genius!
Having listened to his amazing soulful music in the past, I
was particularly excited to see him perform live in concert. My lovely
boyfriend surprised me with tickets to see him!
The Hammersmith Apollo was a perfect, intimate location for Ed Sheeran’s beautiful, yet powerful music to fill. With the electric atmosphere created by the audience and Ed’s natural, gifted talent there was never a dull moment.
I was completely blown away by Ed’s musical expertise. The background setting was simplistic and he didn’t make any particular effort with what he was wearing. However this did not matter. With Ed, his Guitar and his Snare being the only things on stage, he created stunning, captivating music. I was completely and utterly blown away by his performance. It just goes to show that you do not need all the fancy lighting and amazing scenery and backing dancers or singers to create a spectacular concert.
The Hammersmith Apollo was a perfect, intimate location for Ed Sheeran’s beautiful, yet powerful music to fill. With the electric atmosphere created by the audience and Ed’s natural, gifted talent there was never a dull moment.
I was completely blown away by Ed’s musical expertise. The background setting was simplistic and he didn’t make any particular effort with what he was wearing. However this did not matter. With Ed, his Guitar and his Snare being the only things on stage, he created stunning, captivating music. I was completely and utterly blown away by his performance. It just goes to show that you do not need all the fancy lighting and amazing scenery and backing dancers or singers to create a spectacular concert.
Sometimes simplicity is more effective.
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Writing Session 23/10/2012
Today I attended the writing session at Middlesex University. I have to say
this definitely helped me. I have never really been a confident writer. Maybe
this is because I love to express my emotions through dance rather than write
them on paper. I know I am not bad at writing; but I know there is room for
Firstly we broke down writing into several categories:-
Firstly we broke down writing into several categories:-
1) Knowledge and understanding- the way you link the theory to your practice. Identifying and applying it to your practise.
2) Cognitive Skills- These are the skills you use when generating knowledge. Analysis (breaking it down) and synthesis (taking what you understand and piecing it together). It is about
being involved but asking questions which is also known as Critical Engagement.
3) Practical Skills- asking questions and putting it into practice. This is about your interpretation.
4) Personal and enabling skills- Your personal and professional development.
Peter Thomas showed us different ways in which you write. I feel the way you write is so similar to the way you talk to different people. For example, when I am with my friends I am totally at ease and don’t think about what I am talking about. In comparison, last week I attended an Executive Evening. At this event, I was much more precise and confident with the way I spoke and thought about what I said before talking. Again another example is when I teach children to dance; I am much more expressive, dynamic and lively. I come down to their level to engage them and rarely use high-level academic language. This I feel is similar to writing. On social network sites, I don’t necessarily think about my language, punctuation, vocabulary or my spelling. To be honest a lot of my “statuses” involve the acronym “lol”!!! Whereas in my university assignments and tasks, I am the total opposite! I think very carefully about the language, punctuation, phrasing I use and am constantly correcting it.
Our next task involved writing about an experience. Firstly we had to write our first thoughts and words on a page. Then we had to think of three themes we could divide these words into. After that, not thinking about grammar/ punctuation/ paragraphs we had to simply write without stopping. Next we circled what was important and had to expand on this. Following that we had to
concentrate on writing just one paragraph, thinking about what we were writing. I found by repeatedly re- writing this improved my writing dramatically. I now feel that this is the way forward for me. However I do feel I get carried away and sometimes I cannot stop re- writing my work. I have to be more confident when my task is completed.
Overall I gained so much from this session. I am very glad I attended and feel I will be so much more positive and secure with writing my tasks now.
Peter Thomas showed us different ways in which you write. I feel the way you write is so similar to the way you talk to different people. For example, when I am with my friends I am totally at ease and don’t think about what I am talking about. In comparison, last week I attended an Executive Evening. At this event, I was much more precise and confident with the way I spoke and thought about what I said before talking. Again another example is when I teach children to dance; I am much more expressive, dynamic and lively. I come down to their level to engage them and rarely use high-level academic language. This I feel is similar to writing. On social network sites, I don’t necessarily think about my language, punctuation, vocabulary or my spelling. To be honest a lot of my “statuses” involve the acronym “lol”!!! Whereas in my university assignments and tasks, I am the total opposite! I think very carefully about the language, punctuation, phrasing I use and am constantly correcting it.
Our next task involved writing about an experience. Firstly we had to write our first thoughts and words on a page. Then we had to think of three themes we could divide these words into. After that, not thinking about grammar/ punctuation/ paragraphs we had to simply write without stopping. Next we circled what was important and had to expand on this. Following that we had to
concentrate on writing just one paragraph, thinking about what we were writing. I found by repeatedly re- writing this improved my writing dramatically. I now feel that this is the way forward for me. However I do feel I get carried away and sometimes I cannot stop re- writing my work. I have to be more confident when my task is completed.
Overall I gained so much from this session. I am very glad I attended and feel I will be so much more positive and secure with writing my tasks now.
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Layers between what I like and why
In reader 2 it asks me to think of an idea
I like and why. Now when I first read this I found it very difficult to narrow
this title down. There are so many things I like in my life and so many ideas/
dreams I would love to pursue. So… where to start. At this point I had to rush
to a dance class with friends and then meet with a new promotional agency about
future jobs. Whilst on the train on my way home I felt happy, elated and
energized. I had time to reflect on why I felt like this and at this point I
decided to narrow this feeling down to one idea……
…….VARIETY! As they say “Variety is the
spice of life”. This is so true of the dance industry. You never know what you
will be doing from one year/ month/day to the next and that is what I love.
My job encompasses all the things I love
about life; entertaining people, fitness, socializing, networking, performing ,
travelling but underpinning all of this is Variety. Life is never dull or
If I were to peel the layers deeper I could
look at the above in greater detail. Fitness and keeping healthy for example
are an essential part of my job. As a performer I am constantly being judged on
what I look like. When I am in a dancing contract I keep fit constantly anyway.
But whist in between contracts I obviously have to keep fit in other ways. I
love to go to the gym, swim and take class. To feel your best at auditions you
have to be at peak fitness. Another layer to add to fitness is eating
healthily. Many dancers unfortunately fall into bad eating habits, which will
make you weak and lifeless. I personally enjoy a healthy lifestyle. It makes me
feel great about myself and totally energized. It allows you to stay positive
and ready for whatever comes your way. It is important to have a balance and be
able to switch off from this so of course I love to sit and watch television
and eat chocolate, but not all the time!
The socializing element of my job means I
am constantly meeting new people, which is also an exciting factor of my work.
I am a very sociable person and love to talk ( some may say a little too much!)
The vast majority of workers look forward to the weekend where they can go out
with friends and socialize whereas I do this on a daily basis. I like to find
out about other people and their lifestyles. Some people may call this nosy… I
think it’s interesting! Another layer is the fact that it allows you to
network. Networking is a vital part of my industry. It allows you to make new
contacts and also find out about different jobs that you wouldn’t have
auditioned for. Recently I was approached to do a Bollywood film (through my
friend). I have never done this before, but got the job and thoroughly enjoyed
myself. By achieving this it gave me so much positivity and confidence, which
hopefully will lead to other things!
Performing is the top layer; the ultimate
experience when I come to life. As a young girl I was apparently very shy and
withdrawn ( some may find this hard to believe!). My parents thought dancing
might “bring me out of my shell” and they were astonished when I asked to do a
solo at the age of 6. When my mother asked me if I would be OK performing on my
own on a large stage infront of many people, my response was that “I love it as
I am a different person on the stage. I am a dancer.”
To summarise although the dream of being a
dancer is much tougher than I envisaged at the age of 6 the Variety keeps me on
my toes!
Friday, 19 October 2012
Kolb’s learning cycle and a reflection on my own learning style
After studying Kolbs learning cycle it
became clear that I enter the cycle at different points depending on the
With this course because I feel very unsure
still about many of these tasks as they are all new to me. I do tend to visit
other peoples blogs first to get some ideas (Kolbs ‘Reflective Observation’). I
then reflect on my own experiences and use trial and error, (Kolbs ‘Active
conceptualisation’) adapting my own ideas as I go along (Kolbs ‘Abstract
experimentation’). However, initially I was extremely reluctant to publish any
blog as I lacked confidence in my own ability as a writer. Now, I find I am
improving in this and am better at starting with doing the blog (Kolbs
‘Concrete experience’) before looking at other ideas.
When I attend auditions I feel that I enter
Kolbs learning cycle at a different point. I start the night before by
preparing all my audition songs, getting my bag ready with all my shoes and
outfit. I prepare the train time that I will get in the morning and often I
mentally prepare how my audition will go (Kolbs ‘Active Experimentation-
planning). I then have the audition and have the experience (Kolbs ‘Concrete
experience’- doing). After I tend to reflect on what went wrong and what went
well (Kolbs ‘Reflective Observation’- reflecting and reviewing). I then learn from this and know how I
can improve for next time (Kolbs ‘Abstract conceptualisation’- concluding and
learning). This is exactly how Honey and Mumford described their 4 stages of
-Having the experience
-Reviewing the experience
-Concluding from the experience
-Planning the next steps
This task has helped me reflect on how I
learn which in time will help me find my own ‘professional direction’ or
‘artistic vision’.
Dear Diary...Task 2a
I loved writing a diary when I was younger
so I started by searching for my purple, fluffy, lockable diary, still intact
with its very own secret key! In fact id quite like to buy myself one now, but
not sure it is suitable for a University degree course! My purple diary was
epic! I had a daily list of the boys I liked, the boys my friends liked and
simply matched them together (a bit like the TV programme ‘Take me out’).
Therefore I could not wait to start this task. I feel it will really help me
reflect on my learning experiences rather than my future career as a matchmaker!
However, obviously my diary when I was
younger was completely different to what I have to write about now and the
style certainly needs to improve.
When I read this task I was initially
excited, but when actually coming to do it the main question that I asked myself
was what style of writing should I use? I am very good at babbling on to my
friends and family about how I feel and what I did at the weekend etc but was
this good enough? And how does this translate to a written account for a
University degree? So at this point I referred back to the handbook for
reference. I like the idea that it is a private space for my writing; no one is
going to mark this or judge me. However, I will have to use my journal as a
resource later on. Therefore initially it is important not to worry too much
about style but more about content and learning experiences. As I go along I
feel my writing style will evolve and I will eventually find what suits me best.
Friday, 12 October 2012
Task 1b - Ways In Which Professional Communication Technologies Enhance Your Professional Practice
After studying Reader 1 and reading through several
articles on Web 2.0, I was intrigued. I had not heard of Web 2.0 and certainly had not considered
how much it impacted on our lives. It is now such a huge part of our everyday
routines that we have come to rely on this incredible technology without even
I believe Web 2.0 is our future and incredibly
innovative. It allows the reader to become the creator and have complete
control over that data. It also allows users to interact with each other on
either business or socially related activities using web-based media such as ‘Facebook’,
‘Twitter’ or ‘Blogs’. Nowadays this is referred to as Social Networking.
“We are living in
exponential times. Over 5 billion searches are made on Google a month. The
number of text messages received everyday exeeds the total population of the
planet.” Shift Happens
Web 2.0 is a fantastic source to gain information.
It exploits technology to help people learn. All we have to do is simply type
in what we need to find out and instantly information is provided. This is very
handy and yet truly incredible. Gone are the days when you spend hours in the
library searching for material, which could be time-consuming allowing more
time for pro-active learning. However there are alternative views that you
should be encouraged to research your materials as this is a skill demanding
intuitive thinking, patience and a logical approach to finding out about your
subject matter.
Bruns talks
about the fact that people have stopped using traditional maps. Why would we,
when Google Maps are available and Satellite Navigation systems are
automatically in place in cars? Another example Bruns mentions is that people turn to Wikipedia instead of using Encyclopedias.
In both instances technology is enhancing the
availability of information and traditional methods, which were more laborious,
are now out-dated. There are numerous instances where new technology has either
replaced or enhanced the activities undertaken by the individual. But I feel it
has opened up different avenues for new and genius creative work.
On the reverse side, what I particularly like about
Web 2.0 is Produsage; the continuous improvement, building and extending of existing
material and data. Bruns also explains this in his article.
This completely summarizes Web 2.0 for me. We regularly have to update software
on computers and upload apps on our smart phones, which proves that Web 2.0 is
continuously growing and improving and the technology providers are being
challenged to deliver new and better ways of bringing information to the public-
albeit for commercial advantage.
“The amount of new
technical information is doubling every 2 years. By 2012 it is predicted to
double every 70 hours.” Shift Happens
Gruber focuses on the truth about Web 2.0
and asks, how do we know if we can trust the information on the Internet and is
it valid? He talks about the Semantic Web where the information displayed has
been checked and approved. He describes it as ‘an
ecosystem of data, where value is created by the integration of structured data
from many sources.’ On the flip side he
also talks about the Social web and describes it as, ‘an ecosystem of
participation, where value is created by the aggregation of many individual
user contributions.’
It is worrying that there is a
possibility that information and data on social websites could be in the public
domain and whether the information is deliberately misleading to the user. The
public have to be very careful when sifting particular information from sites
and also be intelligent when using sites that can be modified and changed by
Reich describes
how Web 1.0 has evolved to Web 2.0. This I found interesting as he also
explains how costs have been lowered and therefore more people are using the
Web 2.0. A good example of the benefits arising through this evolvement is the
product ‘Skype’. It was only a few
years ago that people were unable to communicate by video link without
incurring communication costs and indeed the technology was not very advanced.
Today, using various forms of communication the video link is free, of high
quality and is instantaneous and in real-time.
Furthermore Reich explains that Web 2.0 is much more
dynamic than Web 1.0. I totally agree, new platforms are always emerging and
developing. Existing data is constantly improving and updating. What I find
incredible nowadays is the fact that is not just computers that generate
Internet, emails, social networking sites etc, but it is now all on smart
phones. People can access the Internet wherever they are.
is estimated that 40 exabytes of unique new information will be generated
worldwide this year. That is more than in the previous 5000 years.” Shift Happens
What I particularly dislike about Web
2.0 is the fact that it has the capability to influence young children. I have
spoken to my Mother several times regarding this as she is a Head teacher of a
Primary School and sees this happen daily. It is very sad that they rely more
so on the new technologies such as iPads and Smart phones etc to learn and
explore. Playing out when I was younger was the highlight of my day. It is
probably wise to get the right balance with children. Yes they do have to be
net savvy as it is our future, but learning through play is also a massive part
of education.
Dependency on new technologies is addictive and to
some extent essential in everyday life. Recently my iPhone broke and I felt completely
lost without it. I was unable to communicate and receive communication in a
manner which I have become accustomed to and felt uncomfortably out of touch
very quickly. But this is what it has done to us! Therefore we as adults need
to find the right balance too.
There is no doubt that the world is a richer place
with Web 2.0. It brings information and communication together in an instant.
It is evolving an improving and satisfies the world’s growing appetite for the
latest information. Businesses run and depend on Web 2.0. I would not be able
to access this degree course if it wasn’t for Web 2.0. The list of benefits is endless.
The potential use of Web 2.0 for illegal, misinformation
and misrepresentation of data and information is a major concern, which the
governments are aware of and tackling is in my opinion the biggest problem
facing Web 2.0.
Now I feel that not only do
I have a greater understanding of Web 2.0 and how it has evolved but I also
appreciate how much myself and others rely on it on a daily basis. We
depend upon it too much, but without it the world would not be what it is
today; an exciting, challenging, innovative and constantly evolving new world
where anything seems possible!
“For students
starting a three year University Degree this means that half of what they
learnt in their first year of studies will be outdated by the end of their
studies.”Shift Happens
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